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Cape Breton Antique And Custom Car Members

Happy New Year from CBACCC!

Best Wishes for 2019

The executive of the Cape Breton Antique Custom Car Club (CBACCC) would like to extend our heartfelt wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year to all our members and their families. We hope that 2019 brings you joy, success, and many opportunities to enjoy your passion for classic cars.

A Family-Oriented Club

The CBACCC has always been a family-oriented club, and we are proud of the strong bonds that have been formed among our members over the years. We believe that it is important to share our passion for classic cars with our families, and we encourage all of our members to bring their loved ones to our events.

Sharing Our Rides

One of the best things about being a member of the CBACCC is the opportunity to share our rides with each other. We love to see what our members are working on, and we are always eager to hear about their latest projects. If you have a ride that you are particularly proud of, please post it on our Facebook page or bring it to one of our events.
