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Bunt Statt Braun Ev Colorful Instead Of Brown Ev

From Alliance Against the Right to Citizens' Initiative "Colorful Instead of Brown"

Bunt statt Braun eV (Colorful Instead of Brown eV)

Origins and Mission

In 1998, the non-partisan action alliance "Bunt.WEB" was founded. From 2000 onwards, it operated as the Citizens' Initiative "Colorful Instead of Brown" (Bunt statt Braun eV). As a non-governmental, non-partisan organization, Bunt statt Braun eV aims to combat right-wing extremism in society by fostering critical engagement and promoting a democratic culture.


Bunt statt Braun eV traces its origins to a 20-year-old student initiative led by Christel Stein. In 2009, the initiative evolved into the current association. Over the years, the organization has grown to include 300 members, united under the symbol of a colorful butterfly.

Focus on Refugees

Bunt statt Braun eV also plays an active role in supporting refugees. Through its initiative "Bunt statt Braun gemeinsam stark für Flüchtlinge eV" (Colorful Instead of Brown, Strong Together for Refugees eV), the organization provides assistance to those seeking safety and security.
